With the rapid advance of Generative AI, as demonstrated by Microsoft, understandably folks are excited! Generative AI has tremendous promise in workload reduction in content creation. For folks working on company Intranets, organizational knowledge management, and more, the need for help is great. Oftentimes these are teams that have part-time roles and are often understaffed.
In this HLS Show Me How video I show how organizations can begin to leverage Microsoft Bing Generative AI with Microsoft Viva… today! Specifically, I show enhancing a Microsoft Viva Topics page with Generative AI content that can then be reviewed and edited. Although I show this action within Topics the same method is applicable in any aspect of Microsoft Viva, such as news in Connections, where content authoring is done.
*During the making of this video I show using the Developer Edition of Microsoft Edge. Literally as soon as I finished and went to post this using my production instance of the Microsoft Edge browser that edition was updated and now includes the Bing component with Generative AI!
To see the entire post, including resources, visit https://aka.ms/HLSBlog
