6 Tips for Presentation Skills & Public Speaking Training (Explained in Hindi) – Personality Development Training video in Hindi
Hello subscribers, today you are learning about how to develop good presentation skills and improve your public speaking skills. This public speaking training in Hindi video would help you understand the mistakes and avoid them in your presentation. To stay ahead in the corporate world or in everyday life one has to develop good presentation skills and public speaking techniques in order to woo their audience. This presentation skills training video with Rima will give 6 Public speaking tips in Hindi and presentation skills techniques that you could implement with ease. Watch the complete video and let us know in the comment sections, what are the points you could relate to.
You are watching this video on Learnex – English lessons through Hindi. We have tons of English lessons for Hindi speakers covering topics such as Grammar, English conversation, Spoken English tips, English practice, personality development and much more to make a difference in your communication skills.
Tips from this Video in brief:-
अच्छी Presentation skills के लिए क्या ज़रूरी हैं
अपनी audience को जांना और समझना ज़रूरी हैं
अपनी Body language पर ख़ास ध्यान दे
Jokes crack करते वक़्त ध्यान रखे
सिर्फ़ लिखा हुआ पड़कर मत सुनाइए
अपने Presentation को Creative बनायिये
अपने Presentation को हक़ीक़त से जोड़िए
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