To learn more on this topic, download our Generative AI Viewpoint Generative AI: The New Age of Artificial Intelligence.

Upcoming Viewpoint: The Rise of Generative AI, Understanding the Technology, Its Applications and Implications for Business

The rise of generative AI (GAI), particularly ChatGPT, has captured significant attention, and many companies are actively exploring ways to leverage the transformative technology. 💡

Watch our free-flowing discussion as we explore the potential benefits, challenges, and considerations of incorporating GAI into the sourcing landscape. 🌟🔎

We discuss current and future use cases, best practices, and strategies for effectively leveraging GAI to improve processes such as supplier identification, market research, contract analysis, risk assessment, and more. Sourcing professionals should watch this session to learn how to utilize this fast-evolving technology – and what to watch out for. 💡

What questions did the event answer for the participants?

• As a sourcing professional, where are the opportunities to integrate GAI into your processes? 💻
• What concerns do you need to watch out for? ⚠️
• Which technology platforms and providers are leading the way? 🚀
