→ In this video we will talk about the fastest way to maximize your time and still maximize your learning and talent.

1. Learn Basic ML
2. Look at jobs (specifically pick 3-5 roles, don’t be company specific, be technology/concept specific)
3. Focus on advanced ML on specific concepts
4. Do projects on those specific concepts
5. Build a fantastic resume + Learn to talk about yourself
6. Look at startups or google the companies that work with the technologies you are interested in.

00:00 – Intro
00:29 – Step 1: Machine Learning Basics
01:08 – Step 2: Look at Dream Jobs
04:00 – Step 3: Learn Advanced Machine Learning
07:14 – Step 4: In-depth Machine Learning Project
08:45 – Step 5: Building a Fantastic Resume for ML + Building communication skills
10:23 – Step 6: Start applying for ML roles

Machine Learning Roadmap 2022 Website:

Join me on #100DaysOfML and follow along to learn machine learning!

Start from day 0: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVBat3Ko2nN9z2L0izo1Reb3SmXdw7npz

Discord Link for School Of Machine Learning:

🖊 Machine Learning Roadmap 2022:

📌I’m Starting My Machine Learning Company (Day 1)

📌Top Machine Learning Certifications For 2021

📌Why You Should NOT Learn Machine Learning!

📌How I Learnt Machine Learning In 6 Steps (3 months)

📌How To Learn Machine Learning For Free

Follow me:
Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/c/smithakolan?sub_confirmation=1
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/smithakolan/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/smithacodes/
