Are you wasting your time learning ‘to code’ on your phone! Give it up already! Tutorials? Yuck! Have some self respect. These 3 or 4 books – (in conjunction with the MDN docs) – are our suggestions – for people who want to learn to be great developers – in a fraction of the time.
Seriously. Stop fighting logic.
1. The Elements of User Experience:
2. Don’t Make Me Think:
3. Exercises for Programmers (+ use the MDN docs)
Spend $100 and save 10k of wasted time and frustration
0:00 Intro
1:07 HTML and CSS books thought process
12:29 JavaScript books thought process
15:37 Thinking about “the good parts” and staying on the happy path
21:36 The actual books we think you should use…
31:43 Final notes about big picture / responsibility
32:59 Some online resources (not books)
+ Derek talks about learning from Chris Coyier’s course.
CSS Discord invite:
## Here are more key books that can help orient you as more of a ‘Guardian of the Galaxy’ than just a ‘coder.’
(in suggested order)
1. The Elements of User Experience:
2. Don’t Make Me Think:
3. Exercises for Programmers (+ use the MDN docs)
(start learning to program ^ – and keep reading as you go!)
4. Just Enough Research:
5. Everyday Information Architecture:
6. Ruined By Design:
7. Design for the Real World: (this is probably the most* important book – but it’s also the most dense… so – now’s the time)
8. Rocket Surgery Make Easy:
If you read all of those… then – let us know – and I’ll give you the next list
## You are responsible for what you put into the world.
Please be a hero.
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