Willis Turner, President of SMEI just released a new book THE POWER OF ChatGPT. Here is how you can use it to create blog posts, sales letters, improved subject lines, online ads, and even AI-generated illustrations.

Understanding the power of artificial intelligence (AI) can help you to write better content. AI can be used to generate ideas, suggest descriptions, and even write entire blog posts for you. AI has the potential to revolutionize the way we write and create content.

Willis uses ChatGPT to write outlines for blog posts and expand on the outlines. With the help of AI, he was able to create content very quickly and then have it edited by human power.

Salespeople can use ChatGPT in several ways. One is to find out about their customers’ information and language. They can input content into a frequently asked question knowledge base and create chatbot responses.

When using a product like ChatGPT, verifying the sources is important. One way to do this is to connect the output to Google, which will query and give you great sources for the information.

One of the chapters in Willis’ book is called “The Art of the Prompt,” It contains over 200 prompt examples that you can use to generate ideas and content.

AI can generate ideas for blog posts and other forms of content. AI can analyze previous content and suggest new ideas based on the patterns it finds. It can also analyze sales data and other information to develop ideas. AI can generate a list of bullet points and then turn them into a blog post. You can then add headers, subtitles, keywords, and other details.

AI can also be used to suggest titles for books or articles.

Streamline Sales and Marketing with ChatGPT
