In this python full tutorial for beginners, you will learn python programming in a short period with this python crash course. Python is one of the most used programming languages in the industry. With this python tutorial for beginners, learn python for beginners to pro. We have explained everything from what is a python to how to learn python just with this python full course.
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00:00:00 | Introduction of Python
00:13:06 | Installation of Python in Windows
00:20:22 | Install Pycharm for Python
00:28:24 | Create the First Python ”Hello World” Program using Print Function
00:40:49 | Create & Use Variables in Python
00:51:52 | String Concatenation in Python
00:56:20 | Arithmetic Operators in Python
01:05:35 | Assignment Operators in Python
01:10:45 | Comparison Operators in Python
01:17:41 | Logical Operators in Python
01:24:40 | Membership Operators in Python
01:30:44 | Identity Operators in Python
01:33:54 | Bitwise Operators in Python
01:46:57 | Data Types in Python
02:10:47 | User Input & Type Casting in Python
02:20:19 | If, If Else & If Elif Else Conditional Statements in Python
02:37:53 | How to Build a Simple Calculator in Python
02:48:35 | For Loop with Range () in Python
03:06:55 | While Loop in Python
03:15:42 | String Indexing & String Slicing in Python
03:28:18 | String Iteration in Python
03:39:54 | Lower, Upper, Title & Capitalize String Functions in Python
03:46:06 | Find, Index, Isalpha, Isdigit & Isalnum String Functions in Python
03:57:52 | Ord() and Chr() Functions in Python
04:04:26 | String Format () Method in Python
04:18:00 | List in Python
04:39:48 | List Iteration in Python
05:00:43 | List Function – (Pop, Remove & Clear) List Method
05:21:11 | Python List Comprehension – Elegant way to Create Lists
05:31:35 | (Pop, Remove & Clear) List Method
05:42:05 | Count, Max, Min, Sort, Reverse & Index List Function
06:03:14 | Zip Function – Iterate Over 2+ Lists at the Same Time
06:03:14 | Python Program to Convert String to a List
06:17:50 | Implement a Stack and Queue Using a List Data Type
06:44:54 | Introduction to Dictionary in Python
06:59:20 | Dictionary Function & Method in Python
07:24:16 | Python Nested Dictionary
07:35:26 | Tuple in Python
08:03:30 | Sets in Python
08:26:38 | Functions in Python
08:56:29 | Modules in Python
09:15:18 | Math Module in Python
09:28:01 | Random Module in Python
09:39:39 | Datetime Module in Python
09:49:32 | Python – Random Number Guessing Game (Using Random Modeul)
09:57:34 | Python – Rock, Paper, Scissors Game (Using Random Module)
10:31:27 | Pickle Module
10:38:51 | JSON in Python
10:51:23 | Convert JSON Data to Python Object
10:58:47 | Reading and Writing JSON File in Python
11:05:26 | Object Oriented Programming(Class & Object)
11:16:13 | Object Oriented Programming (Methods & Constructors)
11:24:04 | Inheritance in Python
11:32:28 | Encapsulation in Python (Object Oriented Programming)
11:38:09 | Getter and Setter Method in Python
11:45:54 | Polymorphism in Python
11:55:52 | Method Overloading & Method Overriding in Python
12:07:28 | Bike Rental System
12:19:44 | Python Errors and Built-in Exceptions
12:26:12 | Python Exception Handling
12:37:21 | Python – SQLite (DB Create and Connection)
12:45:37 | Python: Installing DB Browser for SQLite
12:50:59 | Insert Query – SQLite
12:58:44 | Select Query, Order By & Limit
13:06:56 | SQLite Delete Query
13:11:36 | SQLite Update Query
13:17:49 | SQLite WHERE Clause
13:26:07 | SQLite JOIN
13:40:33 | Install XAMPP on Windows – PyMySQL
13:52:41 | Python: Creating MySQL Database & Connection
14:04:05 | MySQL Data Types
14:12:03 | Python MySQL Create Table
14:23:03 | MySQL Insert Query using Python
14:31:32 | MySQL Select Query using Python
14:45:56 | MySQL Delete Query using Python
14:52:22 | MySQL Update Query using Python
15:01:40 | Python MySQL Order By & Limit
15:09:39 | Python MySQL Searching & Filter Data
15:19:48 | Python MySQL Joins Complete Introduction
15:26:52 | MySQL INNER JOIN
15:38:31 | MySQL LEFT JOIN
15:47:03 | MySQL RIGHT JOIN
15:54:50 | MySQL EQUI JOIN
16:00:05 | MySQL Self Join & Full Outer Join
16:07:36 | MySQL BETWEEN Operator
16:11:58 | Use of MIN and MAX Functions
16:16:02 | MySQL GROUP BY Statement
16:21:40 | MySQL: Distinct Keyword
16:26:41 | MySQL SUM () Function
16:29:56 | MySQL AVG() Function
16:34:46 | MySQL COUNT() Function
16:37:49 | MySQL – IN or Not IN Operators
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