QuickBooks Pro Training Course




   QuickBooks Pro Training Course – basic and Advanced level
Bonus: Basic Accounting Course
special feature: The program will be delivered in USB thumb drive.
It can run on any web browsers in any computers and devices with USB port.


– Essential Training course for absolute Beginners to Advanced Users
– Self-Paced Training Courses
– Compatible from 2014 to 2020 desktop version.
– Run on any Web Browsers in any Computers and Devices
– No Need for monthly payment and no Internet access
– Quickbooks software is not required to install for this training
This course is designed for the beginners with no previous accounting experience is required. It is perfect to train your employees so they will be able to learn and apply to your works. If you are an experienced QuickBooks user, the advanced version will take you to the next level. Our expert will provide practical guide and tips in each lesson. As a result, you will improve your accounting skills right away.
You will start with the basics of using an accounting package – setting up your company file. You will quickly learn how to manage day to day operations by setting up items, services, customers and jobs right in the QuickBooks interface. You will learn how to create invoices and manage them once the customer has paid. Our instructor shows you how to enter and pay bills, track your inventory, and manage all your banking tasks. In this video-based tutorial, you will also learn how to create reports, customize reports, and maybe most importantly, how to back up your company file. By the time you have completed this training course, you will have a clear understanding of how to setup and manage your company finances on a day to day basis.

Table of contents
Lesson 1: Getting Started with QuickBooks 
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Getting Around and Customizing the Icon Bar
1.3 Sample Files and File Types
1.4 Working with Multiple Company Files
1.5 Getting Help with QuickBooks

Lesson 2: Setting up QuickBooks for a New Business
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Accounting Terms and Key Financial Reports
2.3 Creating a New Company and Importing Contacts
2.4 Preferences

Lesson 3: Working with Lists
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Overview of lists and Managing Lists
3.3 Chart of Accounts
3.4 Customer/Job List
3.5 Vendor List
3.6 Items List
3.7 Working with Customers and Vendors
3.8 Lead Center
3.9 Add/Edit List Multiples

Lesson 4: Entering Sales
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Overview of Sales
4.3 Creating Invoices
4.4 Creating Batch Invoices
4.5 Credits and Refunds

Lesson 5: Receiving Payments and Making Deposits
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Receiving Customer Payments
5.3 Recording Deposits and Understanding Undeposited Funds

Lesson 6: Customers and Managing Accounts Receivable
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Customer and Payments Center
6.3 Collections Center

Lesson 7: Payables and Disbursements
7.1 Introduction
7.1 Accounts Payable – Enter and Pay Bills
7.2 Entering Checks (and Debit Card, EFT or ATM)
7.3 Printing Checks and Working with Registers
7.4 Purchases with a Credit Card
Lesson 8: Reconciling Bank and Credit Card Accounts
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Reconcile Bank Accounts
8.3 Reconcile Credit Card Accounts
8.4 Overview of Online Banking

Lesson 9: Other Useful Features 
9.1 Introduction
9.2 E-mailing Forms and Webmail
9.3 Memorizing Transactions
9.4 Calendar and To-Dos
9.5 Create Practice File
9.5 A Few Tips and Tricks

Advanced Level

Lesson 1: Reports and Graphs 

1.1 Introduction
1.2 Quick Reports on Lists
1.3 Report Center
1.4 Contributed Reports
1.5 Excel integration and Data Refresg
1.6 Graphs and Company Snapshot

Lesson 2: Customizing Forms and Budgets

2.1 Introduction
2.2 Customizing an Invoice and other Forms
2.3 Setting Up a Budget and Budget Reports

Lesson 3: Tracking and Paying Sales Tax

3.1 Introduction
3.2 Sales Taxes Preferences and Setting up Sales Tax Items
3.3 Indicating Taxability of Customers and Items
3.4 Paying Sales Tax Liabilities and Related Reports

Lesson 4: Subcontractors and 1099s

4.1 Introduction
4.2 Setting Up Preferences for 1099s and Entering Vendor Information
4.3 Generating 1099s at Year End

Lesson 5: Jobs, Time and Mileage

5.1 Introduction
5.2 Preferences and Two-Sided Items
5.3 Entering Payments, Time and Mileage
5.4 Invoicing for Billable Costs and Reimbursable Expenses
5.5 Reports

Lesson 6: Estimates, Progress Invoicing, and Statements

6.1 Introduction
6.2 Creating an Estimate and an Invoice
6.3 Creating Progress Invoices
6.4 Reports

Lesson 7: Managing Inventory

7.1 Introduction
7.2 Setting up Inventory
7.3 Entering Purchase Orders and Receiving Inventory
7.4 Average Cost and Inventory Adjustments
7.4 Reports
Lesson 8: Payroll

8.1 Introduction
8.2 Setting up Payroll.
8.3 Managing Employees, Payroll items and Schedules
8.4 Options for Entering Time and Processing Payroll
8.5 Reports

Lesson 9: Cleaning Up 

9.1 Introduction
9.2 Clean Up Account Receivable
9.3 Clean Up Account Payable
9.4 Clean Up Undeposited Funds
9.5 Fix Incorrectly Paid Sales (or Payroll) Taxes
9.6 Fix Beginning Balance in Bank Reconciliation

Lesson 10: MReviewsanaging Data Files 

10.1 Introduction
10.2 Compatibility and Working with Your Accountant
10.3 Monitor the ‘Health’ of the Data File and Improved Condense

Bonus: Basic Accounting Course to refresh your knowledge

Deliverable: Course on USB 

Just plug into your USB port and run on any web browser, such as Microsoft edge, Mac Safari, Chrome, Firefox, etc.