Photoshop CS4 DVD Training Course


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Adobe Photoshop CS4 DVD Training Course

Now that you’ve mastered Adobe Photoshop CS3, are you ready for CS4? Each new release of Photoshop builds and improves upon the prior version. However, improvements and new features require some form of training if you want to get the most out them. Don’t have time for classes? The self-study Photoshop CS4 training CD solves your dilemma! Instead of going to classes, turn to your computer for training. Simply insert the CD and launch the Adobe Photoshop CS4 training videos.

You can participate in the course from your computer without having to leave your home or office. The video course features a certified instructor who hosts a series of video lessons covering Photoshop’s features, functions, and tools. What each of these videos right on your computer in full motion video. You can start and stop as needed as well as go back to earlier topics or jump ahead to more challenging topics. With this flexibility built into the course, you can fully customize your learning experience.

The Photoshop CS4 CBT tutorial effectively teaches you how to use Photoshop through lesson, demonstrations, interactive content, simulations, and hands-on activities. You learn by seeing the software in action and working in a simulated environment. This simulated Photoshop CS4 environment sets the Adobe Photoshop CS4 course apart from other formats such as books because you can practice what you’ve learned right on your computer – even if you don’t own the correct version of Photoshop.

You are completely in charge of how you progress through the self-paced Photoshop CS4 training. If you want to take your time, you can work through each Adobe Photoshop CS4 tutorial as slowly as you want. If you prefer to work faster, the Photoshop training adapts to meet your faster pace. No matter what speed you use, the Adobe Photoshop CS4 tutorial allows you to learn on your terms.


Photoshop CS4 Basic

1.0 Reviewing the Workspace
1.1 Reviewing What’s New
1.2 Browsing the Tools
1.3 Reviewing the Menus
1.4 Configuring Preferences
1.5 Using Views, Guides and Snap Settings
1.6 Editing Presets

2.0 Getting Started
2.1 Opening Images
2.2 Creating a New File
2.3 Including File Information
2.4 Cropping an Image
2.5 Changing Color Modes and Transparency
2.6 Resizing an Image or Canvas
2.7 Using Zoom and the Hand Tool
2.8 Adding Text

3.0 Additional Editing and Styles
3.1 Using the Ruler Tool
3.2 Reviewing the Selection Tools
3.3 Using the Healing Tools
3.4 Using Dodge, Burn and Sponge

4.0 Making Adjustments
4.1 Using Auto Settings
4.2 Reviewing Variations
4.3 Scaling and Rotating Items
4.4 Changing Skew and Distorting
4.5 Changing Perspective and Warping

5.0 Adding Style
5.1 Adding Shadows
5.2 Adding Glows
5.3 Creating Overlays
5.4 Blending Images

6.0 Exporting Photoshop Items
6.1 Slicing Graphics
6.2 Managing Slices
6.3 Saving Slices for Web
6.4 Saving a File
6.5 Saving for Web
6.6 Printing an Image

Photoshop CS4 Advanced

1.0 Working with Color and Gradients
1.1 Manually Adjusting Color, Brightness and Contrast
1.2 Creating Shadow and Highlights
1.3 Using the Eyedropper and Color Sampler
1.4 Adding Tints
1.5 Customizing Gradient Presets
1.6 Creating a Gradient Shape
1.7 Creating a Fade

2.0 Working With Layers
2.1 Managing Basic Layers
2.2 Working with the Masks Panel
2.3 Working with Adjustments

3.0 Additional Touch-Ups
3.1 Erasing Unwanted Elements
3.2 Using Blur, Sharpen and Smudge Tools
3.3 Using the Color Replacement Tool
3.4 Using the 3D Tools

4.0 Filtering
4.1 Working with Perspective
4.2 Liquifying and Creating Patterns
4.3 Adding Artistic Filters
4.4 Using Blur, Brush Strokes and Distortion
4.5 Using Noise and Pixelate
4.6 Using Render, Sharpen and Sketch
4.7 Using Stylize and Texture
4.8 Adding a Watermark

5.0 Working with Shapes
5.1 Creating Shapes
5.2 Using the Pen Tools
5.3 Changing the Color of a Shape
5.4 Managing a Smart Object

6.0 Advanced Saving Options
6.1 Saving in Another Format
6.2 Optimizing Resolution for Printing
6.3 Saving a Selection

7.0 Specialized Tasks
7.1 Creating Actions
7.2 Using Photomerge
7.3 Working with Refine Edge


Specs and Support

System Requirements:
Platform:  Windows 10, 8, 7 and Vista
Processor: Pentium 133 Mhz or higher
Hard drive space: 10MB
CD-ROM Drive speed: 24X