Linux Fedora Core CD Training Course




Linux Fedora Core 5 CD Training Course

Using Fedora, you’ll stay on the cutting edge of new software releases in the Linux world. Fedora is used by over a million people, ranging from software developers, to system administrators, to Linux enthusiasts. In this course, learn about the philosophy of Fedora and how to install it. Explore the desktop environment and discover how to use some of the apps that come with it. Plus, learn how to manage the system settings, users, and software both in the GUI and at the command line.

Linux Fedora Contents:

Lesson 1: Installation, startup and basics Fedora

1.1 Install Fedora Core 5
1.2 Start Fedora
1.3 Login System
1.4 Virtual Terminals
1.5 Close Linux
1.6 Login and Logout
1.7 Test Network Connectivity

Lesson 2: Fedora Kits Management and System Update

2.1 Know about PIRUT
2.2 Know about YUM
2.3 Linux Kernel Upgrade

Lesson 3: Manage User Accounts and Single-user Mode

3.1 Add Users
3.2 Set Personal Information
3.3 Alter Passwords
3.4 Delete User
3.5 How to use Single-user Mode

Lesson 4: File access privileges and Tar backup

4.1 File Type
4.2 File Access Privilege
4.3 Change File Privileges and Owner related Instructions
4.4 Know about Tar
4.5 Backup and compress files
4.6 Decompress the backup files
4.7 How to backup simple files

Lesson 5: File System and Directory System related Instructions

5.1 File System related Instructions
5.2 Mount Instructions
5.3 Directory Structures
5.4 File Directory Related Instructions
5.5 Files display related Instructions
5.6 INODE” Instructions
5.7 Connections Instructions
5.8 File Search Instructions
5.9 User Instructions
5.10 Programming related Instructions

Lesson 6: Network, IP and Network Configurations

6.1 Network Test related Instructions
6.2 Network code and Host code
6.3 Submask
6.4 Network Division
6.5 Configure Network by Graphical Interfaces
6.6 Configure Network Manually
6.7 Set IP Alias

Lesson 7: DNS Server 

7.1 Know about DNS
7.2 Network Domain Name Positive and Negative Analysis
7.3 Create Positive and Negative Analysis Files
7.4 Manage multiple Network Domains
7.5 Construct Secondary Domain Name Server

Lesson 8: Web Server

8.1 Web Server Indispensable Settings
8.2 Other problems that maybe encounter
8.3 Virtual Web Hosts
8.4 Know about SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)

Lesson 9: Samba Server

9.1 Know about Samba Server
9.2 Smb.Conf Indispensable Settings
9.3 Add Users
9.4 Smb.Con Other Settings
9.5 Access Windows files from Linux

Lesson 10: Mail Server

10.1 Settings
10.2 Test Mail Sending and Receiving
10.3 Mail Forward Settings
10.4 How to use Remote Mail Receiving

Lesson 11: Proxy Server

11.1 Know about Proxy
11.2 Squid Indispensable Settings
11.3 Clients Settings

Lesson 12: FTP Server

12.1 vsftp Indispensable Settings
12.2 vsftp Other Settings

Content: CD-ROM disc (sealed in a DVD-case)

System Requirements:

Platform:  Windows 11, 10, 8, 7, Vista and XP
Processor: Pentium 133 Mhz or higher
Hard drive space: 10MB
CD-ROM Drive speed: 24X