Excel 2013 Interactive DVD Training Course



  • Get to know the interface and features of Excel 2013.
  • Learn to use Excel 2013 so that you can create a spreadsheet with formula, graph, chart, and much more.
  • Lessons include text, voice, and mouse activities to accommodate the three basic learning styles: reading, hearing, and doing.
  • The best step-by-step interactive tutorial using the latest eLearning technology.
  • End of chapter assessment tests to enforce your learning
  • No prior knowledge of using Excel nor spreadsheet is necessary.


Training Level: Basic to Intermediate

Table of contents

Lesson 1:  Getting started with Excel 2013

  1. Introduction to Excel spreadsheet
  2. The interface of Excel 2013
  3. Customizing the Quick Access toolbar
  4. Understanding the status bar
  5. Using Zoom-in and Mini Toolbar
  6. Using simple keyboard keys to move around

Lesson 2:  Basic Operation

  1. Creating and Converting Workbooks
  2. Understanding Type of Data
  3. Entering Data using Enter and Tab
  4. Performing basic operations: edit, move, copy and delete
  5. Entering Data using AutoFill
  6. Using Flash Fill  and adding comments to the cell

Lesson 3: Formatting Sheets, Cells and Tables

  1. Changing Font Settings of a Cell
  2. Applying Number Formats
  3. Adjusting row height and column width
  4. Hiding/unhiding rows and columns
  5. Applying Borders, Shading and Gradient Fill
  6. Using cell formatting
  7. Using Table Formatting

Lesson 4:  Formulas and Functions

  1. Using Formulas
  2. Entering Formulas
  3. Using Sum Formulas
  4. Using Sum, Average and SumIF Function
  5. Using Vlookup Function

Lesson 5:  Editing Graphics

  1. Inserting pictures
  2. Editing pictures
  3. Using SmartArt
  4. Inserting shapes
  5. Overlapping, grouping,& hiding graphics
  6. Capturing a Screenshot

Lesson 6:  Chart Design

  1. Inserting Charts
  2. Adding Chart Elements
  3. Changing Source Data
  4. Changing Chart Layout and Format
  5. Formatting Chart Elements
  6. Enhancing a chart
  7. Creating Sparklines

Lesson 7:  Managing Data Lists and Pivot Table Report

  1. Creating and Filtering a Data List
  2. Using Sort & Filter
  3. Using Subtotal
  4. Creating PivotTable Report

Lesson 8: Automating Tasks with Macros

  1. Installing Developer Tab
  2. Recording Macro
  3. Editing Macro
  4. Macro Security

Lesson 9: Helpful Keyboard shortcuts and hints

  1. Creating Excel Spreadsheet/chart in Word and PowerPoint
  2. Using Keyboard Shortcuts
  3. Helpful Hints
  4. Macro Security

Content: CD-ROM disc (sealed in a DVD-case)

System Requirements:
Platform:  Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP
CD-ROM Drive speed: 24X