Excel 2010 Interactive DVD Training Course
Excel 2010 Interactive Tra
1.1 Introduction to Excel spreadsheet
- Get to know the interface and features of Excel 2010.
- Learn to use Excel 2010 so that you can create a spreadsheet with formula, graph, chart, and much more.
- Lessons include text, voice, and mouse activities to accommodate the three basic learning styles: reading, hearing, and doing.
- The best step-by-step interactive tutorial using the latest eLearning technology.
- End of chapter assessment tests to enforce your learning
- No prior knowledge of using Excel nor spreadsheet is necessary.
Why our amazing elearning technology allows you to learn Excel 2010 in a few hours?
- Each step comes with voice, text, hightlighted box, and mouse activity.
- Crystal clear audio delivered by professional narrator.
- Texts are written and edited by professional editor.
- Mouse motion to draw your attention.
- Highlighted box to show you exactly where to click.
- Easy navigation to each topic.
- Playback controller to move a slide forward, backward and stop.
- Full-size screen display for maximum viewing (1024 x 768)
- Side-by-side learning and doing – best for using the Excel 2010 and tutorial at the same time.
Training Level: Basic to Intermediate
Table of contents
Lesson 1: Getting Acquainted with Excel 2010
- Introduction to Excel spreadsheet
- The interface of Excel 2010
- Customizing the Quick Access toolbar
- Understanding the status bar
- Using built-in Help system
- Using simple keyboard keys to move around
- Using Zoom-in and Mini toobar
- Assessment Test
Lesson 2: Basic Operation
- Creating a new workbook
- Performing basic operations: edit, move, copy and delete
- Adding comments to the cell
- Sorting function
- Manipulating multiple worksheets
- Splitting windows and freezing panes
- Protecting your worksheets
- Using Print Review
- Save a worksheet
- Drag/Drop, Spelling check, Find/Select, & Printing
- Assessment Test
Lesson 3: Worksheet Format
- Change fonts and font styles
- Change number format settings
- Adjust row height and column width
- Hide/unhide rows and columns
- Applying Borders, Shading and Gradient Fill
- Use Cell Formatting
- Assessment Test
Lesson 4: Formula and Functions
- Use Formulas
- Entering Formulas
- Using Sum formulas
- Using Sum, Average and SumIF Function
- Using AutoSum and Max Function
- Assessment Test
Lesson 5: Editing Graphics
- Insert pictures
- Edit pictures
- Use SmartArt
- Insert shapes
- Capturing a Screenshot
- Overlapping, grouping,& hiding graphics
- Assessment Test
Lesson 6: Chart Design
- Insert Charts
- Changing Font Color and Chart Style
- Changing Source Data
- Changing layouts and patterns
- Changing Chart Layout and Format
- Using Format Selection
- Inserting WordArt
- Displaying source data in the chart
- Assessment Test
Lesson 7: Managing Data Lists and Pivot Table Report
- Creating and Filtering a Data List
- Using Sort & Filter
- Using Subtotal
- Creating PivotTable Report
- Assessment Test
Lesson 8: Helpful Keyboard shortcuts and hints
- Creating Excel Spreadsheet/chart in Word and PowerPoint
- Using Keyboard Shortcuts
- Helpful Hints
- Assessment Test
Content: CD-ROM disc (sealed in a DVD-case)
System Requirements:
Platform: Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP
Processor: Pentium 133 Mhz or higher
Hard drive space: 10MB
CD-ROM Drive speed: 24X
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