Adobe Creative Suite 3 DVD Training Course Bundle


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Adobe Creative Suite 3/4/5 Training Courses

– Get up to speed with Adobe Photoshop CS3/5, Illustrator CS3/5, InDesign CS3 and Dreamweaver CS3 with these 4 CD set (exclusive offer)

– Learn from our certified instructor to put all of these software to work for you in no time!

– Advanced training features including bookmarking, hands-on lab, etc.

– Get certificate of completion to keep a record of your accomplishments.

– All-in-One bundle package in sturdy & beautiful retail box as shown on screen. Perfect for Gift!

This course uses a blend of instructor-led training sessions and computer based training technology to deliver a completely self-paced course directly to your desktop. The CS3 training videos (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign and Dreamweaver) give you the instruction you want without the need for attending live classes. Simply watch recorded videos and see the software in action.

Everything you need is included on the Adobe CS3 Design Premium training tutorial including videos, demonstrations, interactive content, printable courseware, and hands-on activities. With the self-paced CS3 CBT installed on your computer, you can learn the ins and outs of using PhotoShop, Illustrator, InDesign and Dreamweaver at your own pace.

While traditional classes are a good way to learn, you can’t beat the CS3 training videos and interactive courseware. The full motion videos have high production values. More importantly, they have the information and instruction that you value. Watch the videos and demos as often as you need in order to master each task.

The CS3 training cd-roms puts you in charge of your education. If you want to learn a specific feature of PhotoShop, Illustrator, InDesign or Dreamweaver, you can jump ahead to that section rather than waiting for the rest of the class to get to that point. You can also work at a pace that is best for you, either fast or slow. You can’t fall behind because you are the one calling the shots and deciding when and how fast to study.

This format is ideal for anyone who needs to learn how to use CS3 and wants the most control over their learning experience.

Training Level: Basic

Highlighted demo lessons can be viewed for free.

Table of contents

CD#1: Adobe Photoshop CS3 Basic

  1. Reviewing the Workspace
  2. Getting Started
  3. Performing Photoshop Basics
  4. Making Adjustments
  5. Transforming Tools
  6. Saving and Printing
  7. Working with the Bridge

CD#2: Adobe Illustrator CS3 Basic

  1. Reviewing the Workspace
  2. Getting Started
  3. Performing Ilustrator Basics
  4. Working with Shapes
  5. Working with More tools
  6. Saving and Printing
  7. Working with the Bridge

CD#3: Adobe InDesign CS3 Basic

  1. Reviewing the Workspace
  2. Getting Started
  3. Performing InDesign Basics
  4. Working with Text
  5. Additional Tasks
  6. Saving and Printing

CD#4: Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Basic

  1. Reviewing Web Terminology
  2. Getting Started
  3. Setting Up Your Environment
  4. Dreamweaver Basics
  5. Working with Style Sheets
  6. Layout Fundamentals
  7. Working with Text
  8. Introduction to Forms

Total training time: ~30 hours

Content: 4 CD-ROM disc in Retail Box with flap

System Requirements:
Platform:  Windows 10, 8, 7 and Vista
CD-ROM Drive speed: 24X