Trying to do your job, be the best that you can, and develop your skills is hard. Where do you find the time to do your self development plan?

My name is Darren and you’re at the home of Sticky Learning – MBM – Trainers to the UK Grocery Industry.

Intellectually we all know that we need to develop our skills at work if we want to get on, but where do you start with your self development plan?

The good news is that you are not alone. Each month registers nearly a 1,000 searches from people looking for personal development plan examples, self development plan, continuous personal development, and personal development template. They’re all looking for a means to structure their development.

Our 3 top tips are; 1. ‘Turn your car into a university’ – Listen to audio recordings about, for example ‘The 7 habits of Highly effective people’, 2. Sign-up to newsletters that will email you tips every week, like ours, and 3. Print the self development plan by clicking on the link below:
and commit to doing one thing of 20 minutes per month, e.g. Read 3 chapters of a book.

For more personal development tips, like ‘Your Self Development Plan’, subscribe to MBM – The home of Sticky Learning.
