I remember listening to the great Jim Rohn a few years ago – before I became a full time property investor. He taught me how to journal and also why journaling is such an important personal development tool.

He talked about “journaling” – and how he felt it was so beneficial to go through life writing down one’s experiences and in particular – the major lessons you learn

I remember thinking… I LOVE that idea and on the 22nd September 2009, I started my own journal

In here I would record my challenges, my goals and in particular any big powerful lesson I’d learn along the way

I’ve spent this morning looking back over these journals and I have to say – I’m SO pleased I got started

It’s a wonderful way to record your journey and – capture those crucial life lessons – before they flutter away

So my question to you is… why don’t YOU start YOUR own journal this week… I PROMISE you’ll look back in years to come and think… that was a REALLY good decision

And even if you run a paperless office… please make this a written journal – but pause and think – before you put – pen to paper… because what you’re about to write down… is important

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