– 2021 is off and running!!! Time to get serious about your marketing.

In this month’s short and sharp training video I’m going to teach you a simple model that you can use to improve your marketing and sales.

Most businesses are doing some marketing, but in my experience, they’re only doing 50% to 75% of what they could do. This means they’re leaving money on the table and that’s something that none of us want to be doing right now.

This model I teach here is a great tool to identify areas where you could improve your marketing and increase your sales.

As well as teaching you the model I’ll show you a real example from a client I’m working with at the moment so you can get what this looks like in the real world. Check out the 11-minute video below.

If you’d like some hands-on help to improve your sales and marketing, then business coaching can help. If you’d like to find out more then click on this link: to book a 15-min discovery call. We can then have a chat to see if and how I can help you.
