C programming language is very useful for students specially for who are in college or universities like AKTU, UPTU, Delhi university, bundelkhand university, agra university etc. C is widely used for system programming and general purpose application programming.Video is very useful for students who want to learn basic programming language concept.
Topics covered in this Tutorial :
1. Introduction
2. Installing Software
3. Basic Concepts
4. Data Types & Standard I/O
Ex: char int float double long
I/O: printf() scanf()
5. Operators & Expressions
Arithmetic Operators, Relational Operators, Logical Operators etc.
6. Conditional Program
if else
switch case
7. Modular Programming
( Functions )
call by value
call by reference
8. Pointers
value at the address
9. Conclusion

Kindly send me a email if you want solved c program list.
