In this video I will teach you how to create a Christmas tree in plain Java.
You want to learn to code but you are failing because its to hard? Don’t worry! I understand your pain and I will teach you to code!
I hope you enjoyed the video. A like and subscribe is very much appreciated. See you next time.
– Michael
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// About
Hey there,
this is Michael, and I want to “officially” welcome you to my world.
About ten years ago, I started my first online business while I was in university (providing computer support), and this little hobby became my obsession.
I started learning all sorts of things about computers and have become a student of computer science. I love technology and I enjoy testing the latest programming languages and frameworks out there.
My other businesses are where I test and try stuff out…
TechDiffuse is where I share what I’ve learned.
My goal is always to give away better stuff for FREE than what other people charge for.
In fact, today I’m gonna do just that. Yes, I’m going to let you go through one of my BEST products for free—and then ONLY pay me if you think it’s worth it…
Yes, you heard me right…
I want our relationship to start out great…
So, I’m going to WOW you with SO much value that you’ll feel obligated to buy stuff from me in the future (just kidding … kinda).
Sound good?
Cool, then check out my YouTube Channel, Blog and Store. Can’t wait to hear what you think!
“Your New Coding Buddy” Michael
// Other Videos
There is only ONE FIRST program you ever write – Hello World in Java
How to Install Python on Linux the Easiest Way
Why Do We Need Variables In Programming? Learn to Code in Java!
// Hashtags
#coding #java #christmastree
Please watch: “(16) Learn Programming – The ONLY Introduction to PYTHON you will need ”