You’re stuck. You’ve studied English for years but still make mistakes. You’re not sure what to study. You’re embarrassed when you speak.

All you want is to speak fluently and naturally so you can get a better job or be more confident at work.

I know what’s wrong, and I can help. 💪🏻

3 things are hurting your English:

1) You spend too much time doing passive practice.
2) You don’t get feedback from native speakers.
3) You have too much fear.

Passive practice like watching TV and listening to music is fun, but you probably forget most of what you hear.

When you don’t get feedback from native speakers, you sound like a textbook and constantly doubt what you say.

When you have too much fear, you avoid opportunities to speak and show the world just how awesome you are.

That’s why I built The Deliberate English Community. The Community is your English immersion playground. 🤩

Every week you’ll do 2 real-life business challenges. These will help you sound more sophisticated in meetings, do great job interviews, write better emails, or give confident presentations.

Every time you complete a challenge, a native speaker will review and correct your speaking, writing, and pronunciation. You’ll know exactly what to fix and finally be confident in what you’re saying.

Want to overcome your fear of speaking? In The Community, you can join multiple live classes every week. Live classes are small groups (no more than 7 people) and highly interactive. You won’t be listening to a teacher for an hour. You’ll be actively speaking, learning new vocab, and fixing mistakes. 🎤

As a bonus, I invite business professionals to join us for “native chats” in The Community every month. Native chats are a great opportunity for you to practice speaking with multiple native speakers and learn strategies for career success.


If you’re ready to improve your business English, become a better speaker, and learn more business English vocabulary go to to join.

I can’t wait to see you there.
