🌍 Let’s learn how to get started unlocking the POWER of Machine Learning AI in Unity!
πŸ“¦ Unity Machine Learning Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzDRvYVwl53vehwiN_odYJkPBzcqFw110
🌍 Get my Complete Courses! βœ… https://unitycodemonkey.com/courses
πŸ‘ Learn to make awesome games step-by-step from start to finish.

ML-Agents GitHub https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/ml-agents/releases/tag/release_10

Give your feedback on the forums: https://forum.unity.com/forums/ml-agents.453/

00:00 What is Machine Learning, ML-Agents
01:22 Installation (Python, PyTorch, CUDA, ML-Agents)
10:10 New Unity Project

12:00 Create Agent

13:35 Agent Actions

17:21 Test Training

19:46 Agent Observations

24:10 Agent Reward

27:57 Heuristics Testing

29:38 Training

34:22 Use Trained Brain Model
40:04 Improve Brain Model
40:55 TensorBoard Visualization
43:25 Final Result

Teach your AI! Imitation Learning with Unity ML-Agents!

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βœ… https://store.steampowered.com/app/1294220/

If you have any questions post them in the comments and I’ll do my best to answer them.

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See you next time!

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Hello and welcome, I am your Code Monkey and here you will learn everything about Game Development in Unity 2D using C#.

I’ve been developing games for several years with 7 published games on Steam and now I’m sharing my knowledge to help you on your own game development journey.

You can see my games at www.endlessloopstudios.com


– Website: https://unitycodemonkey.com/
– Twitter: https://twitter.com/UnityCodeMonkey
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