Guil Hernandez is a developer and educator currently building immersive learning programs at Scrimba. With over 15 years of experience in the industry, he knows a thing or two about how to learn web development, and he’s here to share his knowledge with you in this stream.

đŸ–„ Contents đŸ–„
0:00 – Introduction
2:22 – Can learning ability be improved?
5:32 – How do you build mental resilience?
11:56 – Note-taking tips
14:28 – I struggle with perfectionism when I’m trying to go ‘off-piste’ and build my own projects. Have you any advice on this?
17:07 – Is there such a thing as being too “late” to learn how to code?
19:28 – Why do distractions happen and how can we prevent them?
21:56 – What to do when you need to learn something which doesn’t interest you
24:40 – Do you think it is acceptable as a beginner to deliver a ‘not 100% working as intended but does sort of work / adds some value’ project in a business?
26:23 – How to make the most of criticism / not take it personally
30:09 – ​How long will it take me to learn web development?
32:20 – How can I learn if I don’t have too much time available?
34:10 – How to plan ahead with your code / How to approach a solo project as a beginner
37:48 – How do I get interested in learning again after a tragic occurrence?
39:26 – Tips on writing more organized code
41:15 – How do you choose what you want to focus on / become in tech, given the different fields one can choose from?
42:46 – Frontend or backend – is there an order of what to learn first?
44:14 – ​Any tips on how to leave good comments for yourself and others when coding? (Intro to clean code Scrimba course:
45:30 – How does self-esteem affect learning?
47:55 – ​How to maintain mental health in this industry?
49:29 – Do you ever get headaches or brain fog at work, but have to keep working? How do you deal with that?
51:40 – The Scrimba Bootcamp:
54:38 – How do you know when you’ve actually learned something?
56:22 – How to get back into coding after taking a few years off?
59:08 – Would you still believe in taking notes with a pencil and a piece of paper?
59:37 – ​ Is it ok to search answers from Google while learning?
1:00:35 – Will Scrimba be introducing a backend course?

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