AI Tools like ChatGPT are shaping the future of work.

One of the best ways to AI-proof your career is to learn new skills that are in high demand.

In a rapidly evolving world, upskilling and reskilling need to be your success mantras. Upskilling means learning new skills that complement your existing ones. Reskilling, on the other hand, means learning new skills that allow you to switch careers.

Check out some skills you can develop to future proof your career:

1) Soft Skills
(Creativity, Emotional intelligence, & Critical thinking): ChatGPT and other generative AI tools may be great at performing repetitive tasks. But they cannot replicate skills like creativity, emotional intelligence, and critical thinking that are essential for many jobs.

2) Data Science/Analytics & Digital Marketing

3) AI Development and Machine Learning

In conclusion, AI-proofing your career requires a commitment to lifelong learning and a willingness to adapt to new technologies and trends. Focus on in-demand skills, emerging fields, upskilling or reskilling, and soft skills to become well-poised for long-term success in spite of ChatGPT. This will make you well-poised for long-term success in spite of ChatGPT.
