When starting your coding journey, you’ll hear a lot of buzzwords like fullstack, backend, and frontend web development, but no one really tells you what you should learn and why.

So in this video, I’m going to give you my insight as to where you should start as a beginner. I’m a fullstack software engineer, but I specialize in the backend and I teach frontend web development to beginners. I’ve also worked part-time at coding bootcamps that taught fullstack web development, so I have lots of experience that informs my thoughts on this, as an educator and practitioner.

So, I hope you find this video helpful in helping you figure out a good place to start your coding journey!

You can support my channel by liking this video and subscribing to my channel, and comment below to let me know your thoughts!

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Learn to code in 5 minutes (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript tutorial): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gskko9DggXs
