This is the recording presentation of my session that I have delivered at conferences around the world regarding everything you would want to know about Microsoft Office 365 learning pathways.

If you are not familiar with learning pathways, it is the open source solution by Microsoft to aggregate and provide loads of free Microsoft Office 365 training content for your users.

00:00 Introduction
00:29 Article on learning pathways
01:21 Agenda
02:48 Intro of Presenter – Asif Rehmani
05:40 What is learning pathways?
06:54 What learning pathways is Not
07:25 Installation
10:30 Configuration
11:00 Basic config
12:54 Demo of basic config
14:37 Advanced config
16:37 Demo of advanced config
17:45 End user experience
22:32 Demo of end user experience
25:43 Spreading the word about learning pathways
26:47 Deploy learning pathways on other sites
27:47 Demo of deploying learning pathways on other sites
29:46 Usage reporting in learning pathways
31:12 Demo of usage reporting
32:46 Updating learning pathways
34:20 Enhancing learning pathways further
37:37 Learning pathways content delivered contextually
38:51 Learning pathways content inside Microsoft Teams
39:57 Demo of contextually delivering learning pathways content
42:49 Show analytics for learning pathways
46:07 Call to Action

Links mentioned in this video


VisualSP for Microsoft Learning Pathways

Download all of Asif’s presenations

Article on Everything you need to know about Microsoft 365 learning pathways


Basic configuration

Advanced configuration

End user’s perspective

Deploying on other sites


VisualSP and learning pathways together
