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Decision trees are the BEST place to start building real-world machine learning skills.
This crash course is an intuitive introduction to decision trees and will teach you how they learn from data.
You will also learn how to use the scikit-learn library in Python to train, interpret, test, and evaluate decision tree classifier machine learning models.
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Splitting data for machine learning
DecisionTreeClassifier documentation
Book links
Intro to Statistical Learning:
CART book:
Data Mining textbook:
Save 20% off my machine learning online courses
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Learn decision trees and the mighty random forest:
Cluster Analysis with Python online course:
Video Chapters
00:00 Intro
01:49 The Code is the Easy Part
02:42 Machine Learning Fundamentals
23:55 The Decision Tree Algorithm
38:22 Learning a Decision Tree from Scratch
01:06:45 Decision Trees in Python
01:41:45 Continue Your Learning
#machinelearning #decisiontree #decisiontrees