This Complete Machine Learning Course video will help you understand and learn Machine Learning in detail. This Machine Learning Tutorial is ideal for both beginners as well as professionals who want to master Machine Learning concepts & practice.
All presentation files for the Machine Learning course as PDF for as low as ₹200 (INR): Drop a mail to [email protected]
Complete Machine Learning Course in 60 Hours – Playlist:
Github repository link for Colab Notebooks:
All Datasets Link:
Timestamp for the topics covered in this Machine Learning Course video:
00:00 Introduction
03:25 Linear regression – Intuition
32:30 Math behind Linear Regression
52:25 Gradient Descent for Linear Regression
1:10:51 Building Linear regression from Scratch
2:00:31 Implementing Linear Regression from Scratch
3:04:18 Logistic Regression – Intuition
3:26:34 Math behind Logistic regression
3:43:53 Loss Function & Cost Function for Logistic Regression
4:12:53 Gradient Descent for Logistic Regression
4:32:31 Building Logistic regression from Scratch
5:37:39 Implementing Logistic regression from Scratch
6:06:42 Support Vector Machine (SVM) – Intuition
6:22:22 Math behind Support Vector Machine
6:54:05 Support Vector Machine – Kernels
7:13:47 Loss Function for SVM
7:35:52 Gradient Descent for SVM
7:54:07 Building SVM classifier from Scratch
8:58:55 Implementing SVM from Scratch
9:57:04 Lasso Regression – Intuition
10:17:58 Math Behind Lasso Regression
10:40:01 Gradient Descent for Lasso Regression
10:58:28 Building Lasso Regression from Scratch
Machine Learning Projects Playlist:
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