Childhood | Physical Development in Early Childhood in Urdu & Hindi | Developmental Psychology |

Physical development refers to a child’s ability to move, coordinate, and control their body in two categories: gross and fine motor skills. Gross motor skills means controlling large parts of the body, such as arms and legs. Fine motor skills means the coordination of small body parts, such as hands and fingers.

5 Stages of Physical Development in Early Childhood
Cognitive. This is your child’s ability to use logic and problem-solving skills, including the skill of thinking about thinking.
Social and Emotional.
Speech and Language.
Fine Motor Skills.
Gross Motor Skills.

There are 5 key areas of development:
gross motor skills, for example crawling, jumping or running.
fine motor skills, such as writing and drawing.
speech and language.
cognitive and intellectual, such as counting or identifying shapes.
social and emotional skills, such as playing with other children.

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