In this video, we bring you a complete tutorial on Artificial Intelligence. Learn basic concepts of AI, Research papers, Deep Learning, Artificial Neural Networks, NLP, so on. Join India’s number one outcome-focused Data Science and Machine Learning Program now:

Artificial Intelligence? What’s the Hype?
AI is the simulation of human intelligence in machines in which they are programmed to learn and mimic the actions of human beings. Artificial Intelligence makes it possible for machines to learn from experience and adjust to new outputs. For eg: In the case of autonomous cars, AI is the processing of information for sensors and making real-time decisions as a human does.

What is Deep Fake?
Deep Fakes are synthetic media in which a person in an existing image or video is replaced with someone else’s likeness. While the act of faking content is not new, deepfakes leverage powerful techniques from machine learning and artificial intelligence to manipulate or generate visual and audio content with a high potential to deceive. The main machine learning methods used to create deep fakes are based on deep learning and involve training generative neural network architectures, such as autoencoders or generative adversarial networks (GANs).

What is Natural Language Processing?

Natural language processing or shortly referred to as NLP is the automatic manipulation of natural language. NLP aims to close the gap between human communication and computer understanding. Though NLP is not a new concept there has been increased interest overtime on this subject due to the interest in human to computer communication and the availability of powerful computing algorithms.

What is Fuzzy logic?

Fuzzy Logic (FL) is a method of reasoning that resembles human reasoning. The approach of FL imitates the way of decision making in humans that involves all intermediate possibilities between digital values YES and NO. The conventional logic block that a computer can understand takes precise input and produces a definite output as TRUE or FALSE, which is equivalent to a human’s YES or NO.

The following topics are covered in this Artificial Intelligence video:

0:00 – Introduction
1:53 – What is AI
11:35 – AI boon or bane
28:10 – AI roadmap
35:35 – AI vs ML
52:25 – AI threats & opportunities
1:06:27 – Natural language processing
1:19:04 – Fuzzy logic
1:31:19 – Deepfake simplified
1:44:11 – What is deep learning
1:59:00 – Artificial neural networks
2:28:18 – Future of AI
3:38:11 – AI research in US

Artificial Intelligence? What’s the Hype?
AI is the simulation of human intelligence in machines in which they are programmed to learn and mimic the actions of human beings. Artificial Intelligence makes it possible for machines to learn from experience and adjust to new outputs. For eg: In the case of autonomous cars, AI is the processing of information for sensors and making real-time decisions as a human does.

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