Go behind the scenes and see what it takes to create an animated trailer in collaboration with AI. Innovation Director Geert Eichhorn, Associate Creative Director Joán Llabata, and Creative Technologist Samuel Snider-Held reveal how they used automated text-to-image, image-to-image, and text-to-speech tools to augment the production pipeline to build a frame-by-frame animation with just a fraction of the time and resources needed for a typical animation.

Brought to you by Labs.Monks, the R&D and innovation group of Media.Monks, which tackles and tests emerging tech to consistently deliver fresh, exciting and engaging experiences that redefine what is possible.

Watch the full Ancestor’s Saga trailer: https://youtu.be/MedmYtBdISU
Learn more: https://media.monks.com/articles/labs-report-generative-media
