Spirituality experience is learning to love and forgive for personal development. Spirituality experience is love and love is the force that governs our world . Spirituality is the study of the divine power that connects every creation to a single point through the power of love. Spirituality is vital to our self growth, development and success. All spirituality experience will come in the form of opportunity to connect to others we often despise. Ultimately love is the acid test to demonstrate our spirituality experiences. This is the message for humanity that I vow to bring to you and all those who join this community.
To spiritually grow is to recognise that we have a force within that resist acting in line with the purpose of life which is to give life abundantly to others. Love is the force that governs our world. Until we understand how were were created and the forces that govern our environment, we will never understand why we experience life in states of volatility emotionally, mentally and physically. Our spirituality experiences will manifest in a form of resistance to events. We will find ourselves coming into a big resistance with people in our lives and creating sufferings for self and others. When this happens repeatedly, we will know that it is time for our spiritual awakening. It is our spiritual experience to help us learn how to let go of the old mentality for a higher one through the power of love, compassion and kindness. When we let go of our resistance to love, we experience spirituality and realise experiences that are much superior to that whice we seek to preserve.
#spiritualityexperience #Spiritual Education