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Setup AMPPS localhost for web development – learn Web Development
What you will learn in this course ?
What you’ll learnSetup a local serverrun a server with applications on your computerrun WordPress locallyconfigure local machine AMPPSSetup AMPPS server
AMPPS is a solution stack of Apache, MySQL, MongoDB, PHP, Perl and Python for Windows, Linux and macOS. It give you the ability to run all of these locally. As a web developer having the your applications run on your local machine saves you time, allows you to debug your applications, and also lets you practice coding.
Localhost setting up made easy with AMPPS for local server Web Developer Environments.
AMPPS is an awesome tools for running an Apahache machine lcoally, and even more. You can easily select from over 300 PHP web applications, and over 1000 PHP classes to quickly install on your machine. All of these have demos, descriptions and more information ready to go all within AMPPS. You can even switch your PHP version within the control panel selecting the environment that best suits your needs. Easy and quick which makes AMPPS an ideal choice for web developers. AMPPS is created by Softaculous Ltd. which makes the Softaculous Auto installer commonly found in many cpanels of popular web hosts. Bringing all the power of your cpanel script installer directly to your machine.
AMPPS can be used to develop on PHP, MySQL applications like WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal and over 300 others.
Learn more about AMPPS and how to setup and configure your AMPPS install. Explore how to run multiple applications within the one local install.
Explore how you can select any one of the popular PHP applications, install and view the app in minutes. This course shows you how to setup an instance of WordPress on your local machine in under 1 minute! Its a perfect place to practice WordPress and even debug WordPress installs.
Quick launch AMPPS and explore what AMPPS can do. learn about the AMPPS admin control panelexplore the APPS end user panelSee how you can use your local MySQL and SQLite database within AMPPS. Find out more about the database options within AMPPS.Setup FTPCreate local domains within AMPPSSetup WordPress in under 1 minutesLearn about Backing up and Restoring your applications
AMPPS has a lot to offer, this course will highlight the features of AMPPS that can help you with your web development. AMPPS is the tool you need to seamlessly work locally on web applications.
this is the best Web Development course. you can download and watch for free after enroll.