DISCLAIMER: this video is for *complete* newcomers to software engineering.

Based on the types of questions I get from time to time, it seems that people really want to learn programming and simply are installing Flutter and emulating without properly learning the basics of programming.

In this video, I’ll cover:
– 0:25 the two purposes of variables
– 4:14 how to define a variable in Dart
– 7:24 adding numbers
– 9:58 your computer memory and your program

In this “Learn to Code” series, I’ll be using the popular Dart programming language. The reason is that Dart is an easy to learn language, with a lot of parallels with other popular languages. Many folks choose to get into mobile development using Flutter (https://flutter.dev) rather than traditional web development and after becoming competent with Dart, this should be pretty natural!

– Our previous lesson 1: https://youtu.be/RbZfLSmWqCE
– https://dartpad.dev

For folks learning Flutter, check out my website: https://fluttercrashcourse.com
