For some programming beginners in C #pointers are a sustainable source of confusion when facing them the first time. Nevertheless, I will talk you through pointers in under thirty minutes. I’ll try at least.

Pointers is the topic. As I claim in the title of this video I am going to reveal “Everything you always wanted to know about pointers in the #C #programming language* *but were afraid to ask”. For that I need to incite myself — and when I say myself I mean you!

Wubba Lubba Dub Dub, here we go!

If you have further questions, useful feedback, or an idea for a C-related topic to talk through please leave a comment. From time to time I will come back on your issues in upcoming episodes.

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P.S.: If you’re interested to learn programming basics in #Google’s #programming #language #Go feel free to have a look at my course on #Udemy;
