Learning Mentors is a secular and non-religious resource for people who want to improve the quality of their lives. We provide you with personal development tips, resources, and strategies, as well as general interest topics, that are designed to help you take control of your life.
The best way to predict the future is to create it. If you can dream it, you can do it. The power of vision becomes reality. All you need to do is manifest your dreams as they should be. The easiest way to manifest your dreams is to spend time focusing on them. Things are always easier when you focus on what you want and focus on creating something. While it’s more effective to spend time thinking about screwing up less often, if you’re focused on screwing up less, you can focus your energy on creating the life you want.
Just as a house divided cannot stand, so it is with the world today: we have to learn how to co-exist and share resources like we once did in our childhood when greed was not such a problem. Greed is synonymous with selfishness, and those with selfishness will always find ways for themselves to indulge.
