You’re looking for recommendations for the best Personal Development Ted Talks? The trainers here at MBM only use the best material. So here are our recommended Personal Development Ted Talks.

My name is Darren and you’re at the home of Sticky Learning – MBM – Trainers to the UK Grocery Industry.

Ted Talks now number over 1,600, with 9,000 events in 157 countries and a staggering 1.9 million views per day. So you’re into personal development which ones do you choose? Here is our top 3:

At number 3 is ‘Designing Books is No Laughing Matter. OK, it is.’ By Chip Kidd. He is a book cover designer from New York who’s eccentric presenting style has made him famous, along with his insight into how he gets us to buy his book cover designs.

At number 2 is ‘The Unheard Story of David and Goliath’. Malcolm Gladwell, the author famous for the Tipping Point and Blink gets us to re-think the story about David and Goliath. A lesson in not taking everything at face value.

At number 1 is ‘How to Use One Paper Towel’. Joe Smith was a lawyer in Oregon. His ted talk is more of a Masterclass in engaging audiences that it is a campaign for using one towel. If he can engage us on such a ‘dry’ subject then anything is possible.

Click the link in the description below to see the latest list of Personal Development Ted Talks article.
