What Marketing can learn from Sales (and vice versa)

00:00 Josef & Janvi Video
00:02 Introduction – Josef’s Background
01:35 Education for B2B Sales & Marketing
03:39 The Current State of Sales
05:39 Buyer-Centric Sales
07:42 What B2B Sales can learn from Amazon
08:51 The Role of Sales is now something completely different…
11:01 Sales Transformation starts with the right KPIs
13:32 Sales Reps that are pressured to make 100 dials a day
14:06 Sales has to step into their Buyers’ shoes
15:24 How do buyers want to buy from you?
17:02 What can Sales learn from Growth Marketing?
18:19 Scalability starts small…
18:47 Growth Marketing – Big Bet or Buzzword?
20:28 The WHY behind Growth Marketing strategies
21:19 The best-known product outsells the best product
22:04 Work Ethics and Ethics in Sales
23:28 Avoid Growth for Growth Sake’s
24:03 Millennials entering Sales: Social Selling rather than Cold Calling
27:33 Buyers crave convenience. Sales must deliver…
28:07 B2B buyers consume content everywhere
28:39 Hacks for Growth?
29:57 Growth Hack Number 1 for Sales Teams
30:14 Growth Hack Number 2 for Sales Teams
30:35 Growth Hack Number 3 for Sales Teams
32:13 Better Marketing = Fewer Sales Conversations but better results
